Construction of the New Armajun Health Centre Building on the Corner of Campbell & Rivers Street Inverell
Tender ID: 409075
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the new Armajun Health Centre Building, Corner of Campbell & Rivers Street, Inverell NSW 2360.
Interested parties will need to submit a Tender, which will address but not be limited to the scope of works. Tender is a sealed envelope endorese "Tender - Armajun Health Centre Building Construction Project " will be received by the undersigned untill 3:30pm Friday 14th of February 2020.
Tender Documents are available by contacting Debbie McCowen
Armajun Health Centre, Inverell NSW
0427 407 276
A non refundable fee of $500.00 applies to each set of tender documentation provided to Tenderers and the fee must be paid before electronic documentation will be emailed.
Tenders must obtain a copy of the Tender Documentation.
A mandatory site inspection will be held following advertising period & electornic documentation has been distributed to Tenderers.
Canvassing of Staff & Board members will be disqualify the tender.
The highest or lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting:
Debbie McCowen
Armajun Health Centre, Inverell NSW
0427 407 276