
Construction of 18 KMS of New Fence Infrastructure

Tender ID: 413105

Tender Details

Tender #:
MRVC 02-2020  
Publish Date:
14 February 2020
Closing Date:
12 March 2020

Tender Description

The MURCHISON REGIONAL VERMIN COUNCIL is seeking quotations for the construction of new fence infrastructure to meet wild dog proof specification standards for approximately 18 kilometers in length.

The request for quotation documentation may be obtained by contacting the Chief Executive Officer by email to :

The deadline for the submission of quotations is 4pm Thursday 12 March 2020.

It is mandatory that all contractors attend a site inspection and travel along the full length of the proposed works with the MRVC Fence Inspector at 9:30am Monday 24th of February 2020. The location of the meeting is Meka Station, Failure to attend the site inspection will render the contractor ineligible.

Quotations to be lodged via email to:

The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. A quotation not lodged with the MRVC before the deadline will not be considered for evaluation

Dominic Carbone
Chief Executive Officer 


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