Provision of Debt Collection Services
Tender ID: 414105
Tender Details
Tender Description
The SRO is the Victorian Government's major revenue collection agency and is responsible for the collection of revenue of approximately $19.1 billion per annum. The SRO currently utilises the services of a Debt Collection Agency (DCA) for the recovery of high-volume, low-value debt. These cases are referred to the DCA where payment has not been received after the SRO has issued two standard letters to taxpayers.
The current Contract is due to expire on 15 May 2020 and there is no provision in the contract for an extension of time beyond that date. To ensure continuity of services, the SRO seeks to engage a DCA for the provision of Debt Collection Services to the SRO commencing 16 May 2020 for an initial four year term, with one option to extend for an additional 12 months period.