Development of microsite for hosting AUASB standards
Tender ID: 417979
Tender Details
Tender Description
The AUASB is seeking an experienced seller to lead the development of a microsite which will host the AUASB’s standards in HTML format. The web-based version of the standards will allow users to access standards through a browser rather than downloading a PDF and significantly improve the functionality to cross-reference and link between related standards.
The AUASB has recently undertaken a thorough user research phase which resulted in the development of prototype of the microsite which was tested with a range of stakeholders. A detailed Functional Specifications document has been prepared as part of this process.
The successful seller will be required to develop the microsite in accordance with the Functional Specifications documentation provided by the AUASB. The Functional Specifications document outlines the design concept, the User Interface specifications as well as CMS (GovCMS) and other technical specifications.
The delivery of this project will also include training and handover to AUASB staff who will manage the microsite once the project is completed.
The following documentation forms part of this opportunity:
- Requirements Document
- Response Form
Where a seller meets the requirements and is approved by the AUASB, an engagement will result from this approach to market.