22 Whiteside Street, Beveridge Lewis Street Branch Sewer
Tender ID: 418079
Tender Details
Tender Description
LD Eng Pty Ltd, on behalf of Yarra Valley Water invite suitably qualified Sewer Contractors to tender for the following contract.
Construction of 667Lnm of 375mm PP, 504Lnm of 300mm PP, 95Lnm of 225mm PVC and 77Lnm of 150mm PVC dia Sewer Mains for 22 Whiteside Pty Ltd, within Mitchell Shire at Beveridge. Qualified Sewer contractors with SC2 YVW accreditation need only apply.
Tenders close at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 29th April 2020, & should be clearly marked:
Contract No. Estate / Stage ID 3343 / 2977
22 Whiteside Street, Beveridge Lewis Street Branch Sewer
Tenders are to be lodged by email submissions at LDtenders@yvw.com.au with the following subject heading format: “[Estate/Stage ID] [Tender/Project Name] – [Your Company Name]”. Email sizing limited to 10MB. If the documents are greater, they must be split into multiple emails.
For all enquiries & arranging a tender document, please contact:
ManagerContracts - Richard Pearce
Ph: 0411 252...
e: rtp@ldeng.com.au
LD Eng Pty Ltd Level 1, 1-5 Nantilla Road, Notting Hill, VIC 3168