Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Luddenham Quarry, Liverpool LGA
Tender ID: 420487
Tender Details
Tender Description
Coombes Property Group/KFL Holdings are proposing to construct and operate a Resource Recovery Centre (RRC) at Luddenham Quarry, 275 Adams Road, Luddenham NSW.
Aborignal organisations or Aboriginal persons who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or Aboriginal places in the area of the proposal are invited to register an interest in a process of community consultation with the proponent regarding the proposal.
Proponent contacts for the project are:
Pascal Bobillier, Coombers Group,
T: 0488 11 787
E: pascal@coombesgroup.com.au
John Scarlis, KLF Holdings Ltd:
T: 0424 731 495
E: john@klfholdings.com.au
The purpose of community consultation with Aboriginal people is to assist applicant in:
1. assessing the Aboriginal heritage values of the area.
2. complying with conditions of development applicanations under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)
3. assisting regulators in the assessment of Aboriginal heritage reporst prepared for this project
4. any future applications under Part 4, Part 5, Part 4 Division 4.7 or Part 5.2 of the EP & A Act.
Registration of interest must be submitted in writing on or before 22 May 2020. Registration should include the name of a contact person and relevant contact details. Send registration of interest to:
Luddenham Quarry RRC ACHA
c/o EMM Consulting Pty Ltd
Attn: Pamela Chauvel
PO Box 21, St Leonards NSW 1590
E: pchauvel@emmconsulting.com.au