Records Management Solution
Tender ID: 420800
Tender Details
Tender Description
The purpose of this ATM is to seek an innovative "as-a-service" records management solution that can capture and classify records from multiple sources into a single searchable asset.
TEQSA's aim is to create a records management environment that is agile and suited to the current and emerging needs of the organisation.
It is expected that the solution will integrate with TEQSA's existing assets and work practices and be capable of performing classification without additional user effort.
Short-listed Suppliers will be invited to participate in a Proof-of-Concept (POC) by remote, of no more than four days' duration. During the POC stage of process, confidentiality of the Suppliers' bids will be maintained. Suppliers will be working through the scenarios set out in the User Stories at Attachment A to this ATM. It is envisaged that a successful Respondent will be chosen using the evaluation criteria.