Invitations for Expressions of Interest - Management Committee
Tender ID: 421207
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Management Committee has vacancies for the following positions:
-Independent Member
-Male Community Member Representing Umbakumba
-Femail Community Member Representing Angurugu
Appointments to these positions are for a period of three years and are subject to the approval of the Attorney General.
The Independent Member must be an Australian Aboriginal person who is a member of the traditional clans of Groote Eylandt or Bickerton Island and whose principal place of residence is on Groote Elyandt or Bickerton Island.
Successful applicants will be required to undergo the standard checks and an induction process.
P: 08 8987 7800
F: 08 8987 7102
Expressions of Interest should be forwarded to:
GEAT Incorporated
PO Box 372
Alyangula NT 0885