Debt Collection and Location Search Services
Tender ID: 422251
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Queensland Government, Queensland Health is seeking Offers for the provision of Debt Collection and Location Search Services.
The purpose of this engagement is to source the services of a suitably skilled and experienced provider (the Supplier) to be engaged for the provision of debt collection and location search services to ensure that an ongoing operational mechanism is in place to support the recovery of overpayments and loans from former staff..
Depending on the specified requirements these services specifically include:
- Debt Collection Services
- Location Search Services (Skip Trace)
It does not include:
- Litigation
- Field calls
- Ongoing monitoring of unsuccessful location search activities
For detailed information on the specific services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" as detailed below:
- QH CES20-0015 RFQ_v1
- QH CES20-0015 Att 1 DRAFT Contract_v1
- QH CES20-0015 Att 2 Schedul 1 - Requirements_v1
- QH CES20-0015 Att 3 Schedule 3 - Performance Measurement_v1
- QH CES20-0015 S2 Sample Referrals_v1
- QH CES20-0015 S2 Schedule of Prices_v1
How to lodge an offer:
Offers are to be submitted by sending an electronic submission to the Contact Officer, via email to, by no later than 12:00pm EST on Friday 12 June 2020