Annual pricing of Plant Equipment
Tender ID: 424297
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Lower Herbert Water Management Authority is a Category 2 Water Authority with a boundary area of some 14,500 hectares.
Annual pricing is invited from suppliers of plant equipment and labour to provide services to the Authority over the coming 12 months.
Equipment including the following is utilised.
- Excavators, 30, 20, 5, 3 tonnes (with weed buckets on small excavators)
- Track Bobcats
- Tandem truck for rock work
- Job trucks up to 3 tonnes
- Backhoe/s
- Labourers
- Supervisor/s
- 4 metre punt with outboard motor
Equipment and service providers will only be required to provide services on an as and when required basis.
Please supply pricing by 22nd July 2020 to The Secretary, LHWMA, PO Box 410, Ingham Q 4850 or email to
M. Battoraro
Lower Herbert Water Management Authority