
Development of an Australian and New Zealand 3D Cadastral Survey Data Model (3D CSDM) and Exchange

Tender ID: 426598

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
22 July 2020
Closing Date:
14 August 2020

Tender Description

The opportunity
A Request for Proposal (RFP) (Ref: 2020-20) for the development of an Australian and New Zealand 3D Cadastral Survey Data Model (3D CSDM) and Exchange will be issued by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) in early August 2020.

A bit about us
Australian and New Zealand government land administration and property information agencies (such as DELWP (Victoria), DCS (NSW), DNRME (Qld), Landgate (WA) and LINZ) are in the process of undertaking significant digital transformation projects to modernise their cadastral systems to support full digital exchange of cadastral information. This includes transitioning from being based on paper or PDF files in two-dimensions to fully digital data, including 3D.

At the present time there is no widely adopted digital data standard across Australia and New Zealand for exchanging (digital) 3D cadastral survey information between industry and government land administration / property information agencies. A fundamental prerequisite to the success of a modernised digital/spatial cadastre is the availability of a comprehensive digital cadastre survey data model for exchanging cadastral information between the surveying industry and the respective government land registration system.

The Intergovernmental Committee for Survey and Mapping (ICSM) has commissioned a project to develop an open 3D Cadastral Survey Data Model that will enable the transfer of cadastral survey data in all jurisdictions of Australia and New Zealand. LINZ is leading the project on behalf of ICSM and is the Buyer for this procurement opportunity. The project will have two primary objectives:

Objective 1: Using detailed information from all jurisdictions of Australia and New Zealand on the content of their cadastral survey plans / datasets, including jurisdictional regulation requirements, develop a harmonised cadastral survey data model, including 3D elements.

Objective 2: Develop an options analysis of internationally recognised, or widely adopted, transfer formats that could be implemented by major surveying software vendors for encoding/exchanging the cadastral survey data identified in the model.

What’s important to us
We are seeking a supplier who can undertake this work and can demonstrate

  • expertise and experience in data modelling
  • expertise in interpreting cadastral survey information
  • expertise in survey / spatial data transfer and standards 


Western Australia   :   Gascoyne   :   Goldfields/Esperance   :   Great Southern   :   Kimberley   :   Mid West   :   Peel   :   Perth Metropolitan   :   Pilbara   :   South West   :   Wheatbelt  

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