3D Modelling and Data Visualisation Services
Tender ID: 430054
Tender Details
Tender Description
The MTIA is delivering one of the most ambitious and complex infrastructure programs in the State’s history. The objective of this procurement is to provide the Services to the ODG in managing and supporting the requirements of the five Project Offices throughout different stages of the project lifecycle.
The key objectives of this engagement are to appoint adequate number of Service Providers that have the availability, capability, capacity and experience and are best suited to provide 3D Modelling and Data Visualisation Services across MTIA project teams.
The target outcomes include:
• Provide flexibility, agility and quickly access to Services;
• Provide timely and high-quality interactive Services to the Program, aligned with and achieving each project’s business needs;
• Assist and support the Program with the successful development, planning and delivery of the respective projects and the communication of those projects to stakeholders and community;
• Access to Service Providers with innovative approach to Service requirements;
• To increase the Value for Money (VFM) through competitive tension within the panel arrangement; and
• To enable a streamlined and efficient process in engaging highly capable Service Providers.