Provision of Civil & Structural Works - Andersons Bay Substation Upgrade Project
Tender ID: 430658
Tender Details
Tender Description
Aurora Energy plan to upgrade the Andersons Bay 33/11-6.6kV zone substation in Dunedin City. The upgrade will occur at the rear of the existing substation site where the 33kV outdoor structure is was previously located (prior to be removed ahead of this project).
The planned upgrade broadly consists of the following scope of work.
- A new switchroom housing new 6.6/11kV switchgear
- New transformer bays for two new 24MVA power transformers
- Two new neutral earthing resistors
- Two local service transformers
- Upgrade the outdoor yard including oil containments tank, oil water separator unit, associated lighting and security fencing
- New 6.6/11kV feeder tails installed from the new switchroom and jointed to existing Andersons Bay feeder cabling within the road reserve
- Removal of the obsolete T1 transformer
- Demolition of the existing 6.6kV switchroom and associated equipment.
The planned upgrade will be delivered as two distinct phases under two separate contractual agreements. The first phase will see the delivery of the civil and structural works as broadly described below and the second phase will consist of the electrical works that will commence at the conclusion of the civil and structural works.
A summary of the civil and structural works to be undertaken is provided below.
- Liaise with Aurora Energy's project manager, Engineer's, and consultants to facilitate efficient and timely completion of the works.
- Set-out and strip site to formation levels. Supply, place and compact sub-base hardfill
- Construct road entrance, including culvert and asphalt driveways areas
- Trenching, protection and backfilling for the substation switchyard buried earth conductor
- Trenching, installation and backfilling of all PVC cable ducts and pulling pits (including draw wires)
- Excavate and improve foundation sub-base with gravel raft foundations to address land instability and meet IL4 requirements
- Construct the foundations for transformer T1 and T2, and all remaining outdoor equipment (NER's and local service transformer)
- Construct the switchroom foundation, including the PVC cable ducts
- Construct the switchroom building
- Switchroom building fitout including plumbing, electrical, finishing etc.
- Secure building certificate of compliance
- Install foundation for local service transformer LS1 and LS2
- Install a new switchyard security fence (including concrete nib), boundary fence and gates
- Supply and place the yard crushed rock surfacing
- Batter, top soil and restore adjacent areas of the switchyard
- Dispose of excavated material from the site in accordance with the Engineer's instructions
Electrical Systems & Lighting & Equipment & Services : Electrical Equipment & Components & Supplies : Electrical Services : Lighting & Light Poles : Switchboards & Switchgear
Engineering & Research & Technical Based Services : Engineering Consulting Services : Project Management
Waste Management : Waste Collection & Processing
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Commercial & Industrial Construction Services : Fencing : Fit Out : Plumbing & Gas Fitting
Civil Construction Services : Civil & Earthworks (General) : Demolition & Removal
Power Generation & Transmission & Distribution : Power Stations & Substations : Power Transformers : Power Transmission Line Construction