Registration of Interest - Aboriginal Heritage
Tender ID: 431857
Tender Details
Tender Description
Celestino Development SSP Pty Limited is proposing a rising sewer main support Sydney Science Park (SSP) in Luddenham, NSW. The project is located in the Penrith local government area. The proponet is Celestino Development SSP Pty Limited (Emidio D'Angola, Director of Infrastructure: 642 Great Western,Pendle Hill NSW 2145).
The proposal may be the subject of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) applications made under section 90A of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Celestino Development SSP Pty Limited proposes to carry out consultation with Aboriginal communities in accordance with the Heritage NSW Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010. Information obtained from the consultation process may be used in the preparation of AHIP applications and will assist Heritage NSW in the consideration and determination of the AHIP applications. Kelleher Nightingale Consulting Pty Ltd has been engaged to facilitate the consultation process.
Celestino Development SSP Pty Limited invites Aboriginal groups and/or Aboriginal people who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or places in the project area to register interest in a process of community consultation with the contact shown below ( on behalf of Celestino Development SSP Pty Limited):
Kelleher Nightingale Consulting
Level 10,25 Blight Street
Sydney NSW 2000
P: 9232 5373
The closing date for registrationis on September 25, 2020.
Please be advised that in accordance with the Heritage NSW requirements we are required to record names and contact details of each Aboriginal person who has registered an interest in this project and provide copy of that record to the relevant Heritage NSW office and Local Aboriginal Land Council. If you are registering your interest please let us know if you want your details forwarded to these organisations.