Mangahauini Sheetpile Wall - Toe Securing 2020-21
Tender ID: 432772
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for this contract from contractors prequalified to Level C, Bridge Construction.
The contract involves securing the toe and clearing vegetation from the existing Mangahauini Sheetpile Wall on SH35 at RP 225/9.45, north of Gisborne.
The works include:
- Installation of grouted tie back anchors, together with associated waler construction
- Removal and reinstatement of existing riprap
- Construction of concrete dolosse groynes
- Removal of vegetation form on and around the sheetpile wall
- Filling selected lengths of the waler system to the existing upper wall anchorage
Please note: Tenders close at 4.00pm on Tuesday, 20 October 2020.
All tender queries should be directed to: Graeme Gunn, WSP, Napier. Email:; Telephone (06) 833 5100.
All responses to tender queries/clarifications will be answered by Notice to Tenderer which will be available as an addenda.