NOTICE:Whangarei to Wellsford (Central) (Southern) - Professional Services
Tender ID: 434667
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Safe Network Programme has an objective to save up to 160 deaths and serious injuries every year across New Zealand’s highest risk state highways and local roads. The $1.3–1.5 billion investment within the 2018-21 NLTP, signals Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s commitment to making our roads safer.
Waka Kotahi wishes to advise interested parties of its intention to go to market to procure two consultant teams for the delivery of the pre-implementation professional services for the Whangarei to Wellsford central (including Waipu intersections) and southern sections.
These safety improvement projects involve the construction of:
- Median barrier (with associated shoulder widening and turnaround facilities);
- Roadside barrier;
- Wide centreline treatments;
- Intersection improvements.
The scope will vary for the project lengths within each section, but could include:
- Detailed design;
- Consenting;
- Support for communications and engagement activities;
- Support for property acquisition activities;
- Preparation of physical works tender documents;
- Tender process management; and
- Tender evaluator / advisor services.