Daily and Weekly Cleaning of Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group
Tender ID: 435662
Tender Details
Tender Description
Contract will be for environmental cleaning services at Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group (YDMG), located at 72
Woods Road, Yarrawonga, Vic., 3730.
- Services will be relevant only to the YDMG areas and facilities of the building (ie. not those areas of the
- building occupied by co-located organisations – Dorevitch Pathology, Yarrawonga X-Ray, North East
- Dental Service, Woods Road Pharmacy)
- The Contract will be made between Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group T/A Beewell Services Pty Ltd
- (client) and the successful Tenderer (Contractor), and will be for a period of 12 months.
- The Contractor will provide all tools and equipment, as well as solvents and cleaning products to
- perform their role as stated in the “Services & Supplies Required of Successful Contractor” below.
- In quoting, the Contractor is required to submit a $ rate per month inclusive of GST. This rate must
- include:
- supply of tools and equipment,
- supply of solvents and cleaners,
- supply of appropriate amount of staff members to perform the role,
- travel expenses to and from the property,
- insurance and other associated costs
- Contractor to take into consideration that billing will be expected at the end of each month and will be due within 14 days of invoice generated. Contractor to include any offered incentive discount if invoice is paid earlier
- Access to power and water will be provided by the client
- In the event of breakage or damage to the client’s property or belongings due to fault of the contractor, the contractor agrees to either repair or replace the item/s. This will be completed within one (1) month of damage or breakage occurring (unless the part or item cannot be fixed or replaced within this time in an event outside of the contractor’s control)
- The successful Contractor will be required to provide a Police Record Check Certificate and an Immunisation Status Report, for each of their staff members who will work at YDMG under this contract.
For more information regarding this tender, please contact: Manager@Denismed.Com.Au
Practice Manager,
Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group,
72 Woods Road
Yarrawonga Vic 3730
Documents can also be received via email to WRalph@denismed.com.au
Please ensure you attach a copy of your Insurance cover document ie. Certificate of Currency.
Victoria : Barwon South West : Gippsland : Grampians : Hume : Loddon Mallee : Melbourne