Toowoomba Christian College Tender EOI
Tender ID: 435797
Tender Details
Tender Description
Toowoomba Christian College
From suitably qualified and experienced contractors for proposed construction works at Toowoomba Christian College, Highfields QLD
The proposed construction works include:
- A new Music Centre including Music Room, Staff Room, and Practice Rooms
- Associated external works including site water main upgrades
Contractors shall provide details of their experience in educational projects of a similar scale, their ability to service this project, and details of their financial status.
Tenders will be invited during late October / November 2020 for an anticipated commencement of construction works in December 2020 and completion by July 2021.
Submit EOIs electronically, marked “Toowoomba Christian College Tender EOI” by 12noon on Monday 26 October to the project architects, Novum, via email to