Psychosocial Survey of New Zealand Workers
Tender ID: 436485
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) is a tool used to assess a wide range of psychosocial aspects of modern working life including: Demands at Work; Work Organisation and Job Contents; Interpersonal Relations and Leadership; Work Individual Interface; Social Capital; Offensive Behaviours and Health and Wellbeing.
We require a supplier with a wide range of expertise in relation to survey methods, sampling design, and the application of appropriate data collection modes to obtain a nationally representative sample. The supplier will be required to work with WorkSafe’s researchers to design and implement an appropriate sampling scheme, undertake sampling from an agreed sampling frame, develop a plan for dealing with potential survey response bias, manage the pre-notification process, recruit and survey respondents aged 18 years and older to an agreed quota system.