SUPPLIER PANEL - Monumental Stonemasons and Conservators
Tender ID: 438765
Tender Details
Tender Description
Manatū Taonga, The Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) is establishing a panel of suppliers consisting of individuals and small-to-large sized companies who can undertake the services detailed below throughout Aotearoa and/or the Pacific Islands.
Through this RFQ, MCH is inviting suppliers with the capability and expertise to provide services under one or more of the following service categories:
A) Monumental Stonemasonry
B) Conservation Care of Graves and Memorials
C) Conservation Care of Wet Organic Taonga Tūturu
The quantity of the work is unknown and not guaranteed but will instead be driven by new finds (in relation to taonga tūturu), condition assessments and, in some cases, timely remedial action. MCH will award contracts with a supplier chosen to be on the panel through either direct selection or via secondary procurement. Terms and conditions for the contracts will be based on the Government Model Contract (GMC) – Short Form.
Due to the nature of the work, the established small market, and the project/maintenance cycles, the panel will be in place for 10+ years. Works deemed by MCH to be major restoration or conservation projects may continue to be tendered independently of this panel at the sole discretion of MCH.
The RFQ contains a capability questionnaire.
Assessment of panel suppliers will be based on location, work quality, qualifications, timely response, capability, cost, and an awareness and understanding of cultural requirements. Weightings are provided in the attached RFQ documents.
As long as the panel is in place, it will be open to new suppliers. You do not have to specialise in all areas to respond.
If you require more information or assistance, please contact us at: