Australian National Maritime Museum Cleaning Services Request For Tender
Tender ID: 440022
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Request for Tender is for the provision of cleaning services to the Australian National Maritime Museum (the Museum).
The sites at which the cleaning services will be performed comprise the Museum Building (located at 2 Murray Street, Sydney) and Wharf 7 (located at 58 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont).
The Museum’s objective is to achieve a cleaning service specifically designed to meet the service delivery requirements of the Museum. The cleaning service will need to meet the expectation of its stakeholders and to enable the Museum to be presented well at all times.
The cleaning services shall ensure that all health and safety requirements are met and the required hygiene standards are achieved.
Conditions for Participation:
The tenderer must satisfy the following mandatory criteria in order to be considered for further assessment:
1. The tenderer must provide financial statements (i.e. balance sheets and profit loss statements) for the past three years that have been signed by a company director of the Tenderer and an external accredited accountant;
2. The tenderer has established a WHS Management System in accordance with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 as amended;
3. The tenderer has implemented a quality assurance system that is based on ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems or equivalent;
4. The tenderer has implemented an environmental management system that is based on ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems or equivalent; and
5. The tenderer is able to provide positive references from at least 2 existing clients.