Highway & rainforest ephemeral large scale outdoor sculpture exhibition
Tender ID: 444882
Tender Details
Tender Description
Queensland's first highway and rainforest ephemeral large scale outdoor sculpture exhibition is calling for expressions of interest from artists throughout the state and nationally.
A 30 km stretch of the Bruce Highway from the tiny towns of Bororen and Colosseum in central Queensland, will feature five large scale artworks with a further ten artworks placed amidst the spectacular rainforest landscape nestled at the foot of Mt Colosseum ( or Mugul as it is known by the traditional owners), on the grounds of Mugul Mountain Retreat, a 300 acre property that borders the national park of Mt Colosseum.
The exhibition will run from July 1 through to 30 September this year.
The location midway between Brisbane and Mackay will showcase the works of artists in a magical and sacred setting which is both highly visible yet "off the beaten track."
Mt Colosseum (or Mugul) is a site of significance for the traditional owners the Gooreng Gooreng. In keeping with its location and atmosphere it is hoped Wrapt in Mugul artists will create works that reflect and celebrate the rich history and Indigenous significance of the region.
We are calling for expressions of interest from artists throughout Australia to be part of this exciting opportunity.
Guidelines and expression of interest forms are available on the principal's website and Facebook.
Fifteen artists will be selected by a curatorial panel to have their artworks displayed in this first time ever opportunity to showcase work along a major arterial highway in the state of Queensland.
Wrapt in Mugul has been funded through the Arts Queensland QASP program.