
Wagering Form Guide

Tender ID: 449760

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
24 March 2021
Closing Date:
29 April 2021

Tender Description

Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) is the statutory authority responsible for promoting and controlling the greyhound sport throughout Victoria created by the Racing Act 1958 to fulfil the dual role of regulating the industry and expanding the industry. The greyhound racing industry makes a substantial contribution to the Victorian economy, both as a recreational pursuit, and as an industry employing in excess of 2,800 people and generating more than $44 million dollars in prize money and millions of dollars in wagering, across 13 venues with almost 1200 races throughout the State.

GRV has the task of ensuring that industry participants fully understand their responsibilities in relation to the greyhounds they own and train. They support and encourage continual improvement of training and husbandry techniques through research and education and are committed to the ongoing welfare of greyhounds throughout their racing careers and into retirement. To help care for those greyhounds that are no longer suited to racing, GRV has developed the highly successful Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) that helps to place ex-racing greyhounds into homes where they live out the rest of their lives as family pets.

GRV requires an external organisation to provide form analysis, suggested starting prices and selections and supporting data for form guides for distribution to Greyhound Racing Clubs, wagering customers, publishers and other parties as required. 

GRV’s form guides, produced under the brand “Watchdog”, provide many wagering customers with essential form information via the Fasttrack and GRV websites and the Watchdog App.

Production of form guides is a key part of our core business offering of data and information that is used in FastTrack form guides, the Watchdog App, and is also sent in datafiles daily by GRV for use by newspaper form guides, other media outlets, WSPs, Sky Racing, TABs and other racing form websites in the publication of fields and form information.



Victoria   :   Barwon South West   :   Gippsland   :   Grampians   :   Hume   :   Loddon Mallee   :   Melbourne  

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