Canteen Services - Rose Bay Public School
Tender ID: 455854
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are called for the licence of the school canteen for the school year, commencing on Tuesday 13 July 2021(Term 3), for a term of approximately 3 years with a 2-year option. Annual school enrolments are approximately 550.
General enquiries and requests for a Tender Information Package should be referred to: Rose Bay Public School: (02) 9371-4800,
Subject Line: School Canteen Tender Enquiries
Tenders must be submitted in either a sealed envelope marked, "Confidential School Canteen Tender" and sent to: The Principal, Rose Bay Public School, 6 - 10 Albemarle Avenue, Rose Bay, NSW 2029 Or emailed to Subject Line: Confidential - School Canteen Tender.
Tenders close at 3pm on Wednesday 12 May 2021.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Department of Education requests that all physical site inspections are outside of school hours. Please contact Lisa Austin on (02) 9371-4800 for more information about the premises and facilities and to book a site visit.