
Product Specific Production Mapping for Forum Island Countries - Re-Advertised

Tender ID: 459952

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
2 July 2021
Closing Date:
16 July 2021

Tender Description


The Pacific region could be in a good position to attract investment and create an enabling environment for downstream processing, in particular in this COVID-19 times, with a relatively improved quality infrastructure and institutional environment, to compete as a location for value-addition and transformation of agricultural, marine, oceans and mineral commodities. These types of investment would not only drive exports and have the potential to create significant employment, enable innovation, but also support upgrading, by accessing global technologies and knowledge. And with growing markets across the region, including Australia and New Zealand, as well as Asia, this could be sustainable in the regional context. Strategically positioning the Blue Pacific continent in the future trade landscape are compatible objectives, to which trade agreements such as the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA) could act as a critical enabler to spur and spread the benefits of and support the region’s economic recovery from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

However, to be an effective enabler for the businesses in the region, work has commenced on an overall comprehensive review of these regional trade agreements to assist Members identify and expand production of exportable preferential products and services. A key aspect of this process includes the 2018 PACP Leader’s mandate for a review of the PICTA Rules of Origin, actioned through the establishment of the PICTA Rules of Origin Committee which currently has oversight over that review process. Under the same review mechanism, a Rules of Origin Review (RoO) was completed with further work recommended therein on a product-mapping assessment to further evaluate the type and level of production processes currently carried out in the region that are of preferential export potential under these trade arrangements and thereafter inform of the design of a rules of origin regime under PICTA that is more flexible, least trade diverting with minimal negative economic effects. Further, with other recently concluded Pacific regional/sub-regional trade agreements this review can provide an opportunity for a RoO formulation that encourages convergence towards an ostensibly similar regime to enable positive firm outsourcing and investment decisions. It should also accommodate and provide ample opportunities for businesses in the region to reconfigure their operations so as to take advantage of benefits emanating from e-commerce and localised supply chains.


To produce a detailed product-mapping assessment (PSM) report, the outcomes of which is to help inform of the design of a modified rules of origin regime under PICTA that is more flexible, least trade diverting and creates minimal negative economic effects for members. The PSM will also assist in identifying whether PICTA schedules would need to be updated to include any new products not currently in the PICTA trade in goods schedules for FICs .

Scope of Work

To undertake a detailed product-mapping assessment of Member countries products, in particular those traded intra-regionally and those for future potential export under PICTA as well which entail identifying the inputs and outputs (from whom do they source, and whom to they sell), the stages in production process for goods and services, inputs and outputs involved in each stage, relevant contextual factors such as supporting functions, rules and regulations, and all actors along the production stages, including their roles and connections. As FICs are either goods or services-based economies (or both), the assessment would need to also take that into consideration and as per specifications set out under the Terms of Reference (TOR) document which can be downloaded from

Academic Qualifications


  • Essential – Postgraduate degree or Equivalent in trade/commercial law, economics or similar
  • Desirable – Postgraduate or professional qualifications relating to international and regional trade and trade law, social and political development

Relevant experience


  • At least 5 years of demonstrated relevant experience in the Pacific region, including experience in analytical assessment of production mapping and its policies
  • Experience must demonstrate how you have undertaken an independent analysis of a similar nature to this mapping exercise
  • Indicate how your work or past experience has added value to a Report of this similar nature


  • sound knowledge of the Pacific region or other similar regions, as well as sound knowledge of social and development plans, as well as sound knowledge of the Forum Island Countries, including the Pacific’s regional priorities
  • sound capacity to acquire an understanding of related regional initiatives such as the Quality Infrastructure initiative, the E-Commerce initiative, and the development of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent drivers of change
  • regional or international experience relating to similar work that can be adapted to fit the regional legal, institutional and socio-economic context of the Pacific region



  • Excellent analytical skills and practical experience
  • Innovative thinker
  • Excellent English communication skills (oral and written) with the ability to effectively communicate with people at all levels
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including an understanding and appreciation of the cultural context<


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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