
EOI Pharmacy services for Mater Central Queensland Hospitals

Tender ID: 460624

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
22 June 2021
Closing Date:
1 July 2021

Tender Description

 Mater Central Queensland (MCQ) is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced hospital pharmacy service providers interested in tendering to be the exclusive provider of comprehensive pharmacy services to Mater Private Hospital Bundaberg, Mater Private Hospital Mackay and Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton.


Although the specific pharmacy service requirements of MCQ will be described in the service specifications provided as part of the Request for Proposal (RFP), in overview, the services required must be consistent with the Medication Services described in the Queensland Health Clinical Services Capability Framework, at the level applicable at each hospital, including:

a) dispensed medicines supply and management of PBS prescription requirements;

b) imprest supply and management;

c) clinical pharmacy services including medication order review, medicines reconciliation and patient counselling;

d) supply of compounded chemotherapy and other aseptically compounded products;

e) professional pharmacy services including involvement in medicines governance, education of staff, and support for hospital accreditation etc.; 

f) medicines information and advice; and

g) related pharmacy services.


Pharmacy providers wishing to register their interest in the RFP are asked to complete the Registration of Interest document and send by email to Rosina Guastella of PharmConsult, acting as MCQ’s Authorised Representative for the purposes of the RFP at:


Closing date for the return of completed EOI registration is 5.00 p.m. (AEST) Thursday 1 July 2021.

Receipt will be acknowledged by return email.



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