Fully mechanised harvesting package - Titoki
Tender ID: 461604
Tender Details
Tender Description
Expressions of Interest sought: Fully mechanised harvesting package.
(70ft tower/grapple or 60ft Swing yarder)
Location – Titoki Forest, approximately 40min east of Dannevirke. The Forest is 6,500ha in size comprising a narrow age class and made up of several separate blocks. Harvesting is currently being carried out by three crews. Harvesting is expected to take 12 years to complete with the addition of a fourth crew.
This expression of interest covers the Falls Road block and is for an initial term of three years. Volume 65000+ tonnes/yr
Ernslaw requires a contractor who has a proven record of excellence in H&S and environmental management, is Safetree certified and has a highly trained workforce.
For further information and to arrange a forest visit please contact, Shane Boustead shane.boustead@ernslaw.co.nz