
Welfare Economist

Tender ID: 462018

Tender Details

Tender #:
EOI21-144 - SDD  
Publish Date:
22 July 2021
Closing Date:
31 August 2021

Tender Description

The Pacific Community has received financing in the amount of USD 4.5 million equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include those of a Welfare Economist for an initial period of 22-months with an option to extend for a further 22-months. The Consultant will initially be home-based, with moving to New Caledonia to be subject to negotiation. The
Consultant will be expected to work for 22 days per month for 11 months per year, as much as possible while home-based, follow the general working hours of the Pacific Community. The expected start date is August 2021. As this is a long-term assignment, a detailed Terms of Reference is provided, including background to the project and the expected outputs over the
duration of the project.

Scope of Work & Description of Tasks
Welfare Economist
The Scope of Work for the Welfare Economist generally includes the following:
i. Supporting production, analysis, and dissemination of national poverty statistics, as well as producing regionally comparable statistics.
ii. Working with the Statistics Advisor, Harmonisation Advisor, and the SDD Team to achieve the Project Development Objectives and Project Results Framework.
iii. Provide ongoing technical assistance to IDA-eligible Pacific Island countries in multiple areas relating to HIES and poverty statistics.
iv. Be an active participant in Project and broader SDD team, including meeting with regional partners, donors, and client countries; drafting project documents; and facilitating project administration.
v. Develop and implement the Annual Work Plan (2021 to 2025).
vi. Following the Project Operations Manual, support operational aspects of the project, including, but not limited to, the following tasks: develop annual work plan and budget; procurement; financial management; implementation of the Environmental and Social Standards; reporting, monitoring, evaluation; and development of both technical and operational aspects of Innovative Experiments.
vii. Travel frequently. Candidates must be willing and able to travel extensively within the Pacific region, including to remote areas, travel permitting.


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