Uniform Logo Licence
Tender ID: 462609
Tender Details
Tender #:
Publish Date:
10 July 2021
Closing Date:
2 August 2021
Tender Description
Tenders are called for the licence of the Uniform Logo commencing November 2021 and for a term of FIVE (5) years.
Annual school enrolments will be approximately 1,000.
General enquiries and requests for a Tender Information Package should be referred to:
Vicki Moore
Business Manager
02 9874 6544
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential - School Uniform Tender” and sent to:
The Principal
Marsden High School
22a Winbourne Street
West Ryde NSW 2114
Tenders close at 3pm on Monday 2nd August 2021.
A tender visit and briefing session is planned to be held in the near future.
All applicants must make themselves familiar with the proposed Uniform Logo
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