
Request for Expression of Interest to Quote Winton Wetlands Sustainable Business Model

Tender ID: 466855

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
17 August 2021
Closing Date:
26 August 2021

Tender Description

The WWCoM are now looking to develop a sustainable business model for the ongoing management of the 8,750 hectares site known as Winton Wetlands.

The present WWCoM's term concludes on January 23rd, 2023, and the WWCoM is seeking to transition to a sustainable business model while current funding is available. WWCoM seeks to engage a consultant to provide an analysis of options.

Scope of this work required.
An options analysis and assessment identifying recommended options to a sustainable business model. This should include but not limited to:
(i) Financial analysis showing the tru cost to run the operations of Winton Wetlands:
a.) pest, plant and animal control;
b.) bushfire management;
c.) reserve maintenance; and
d.) visitor safety

(ii) A viable business model.
(iii) Sustainability of indigenous, environmental and public health tourism and education in relation to Victoria and the 10 surrounding Local Government Authorities. From a tourism perspective, the study should consider a range of perspectives including the following;
a.) Specific market user-groups should be investigated with the view to examining current and potential engagement with Winton Wetlands.
b.) It is anticipated that the focus of this investigation would be on the close-proximity K-12 education market and tertiary institutions but other specific market user-groups should be investigated if warranted. Primary research in this context would be highly desirable; and
(iv) Identify different governance models available to reduce governance costs.

This would also include an implementation plan and timeline outlining the approach to implementing the preferred option as well as reference to current staffing structures.

Preferred start date: ASAP 2021
Required Finish Date: 24th September 2021

Business Requirements:
Winton Wetlands currently has a fixed budget for 2020/21. We would like to conduct this process as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.

This review will be working closely with the Winton Wetlands Management team and be responsible to the CEO.

How to submit quotation
Please submit an Expression of Interest whish should include up to two pages highlighting recent professional engagements in the area and professional qualifications of the staff involved.

Please send quotations to Sue Lebish, CEO via email

If you require further information please call the CEO on (03) 5766 4462 or 0418 834 478.


Victoria   :   Barwon South West   :   Gippsland   :   Grampians   :   Hume   :   Loddon Mallee   :   Melbourne  

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