Request for proposals: Land use modelling for PCE investigation on integrated landscape management
Tender ID: 468957
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The climate, freshwater and biodiversity challenges we are facing are interconnected symptoms of an underlying problem: humans have degraded natural ecosystems and unbalanced the carbon, nitrogen, water and other natural cycles. In rural areas of Aotearoa New Zealand, this has largely been driven by the expansion of intensive agricultural systems and clear-fell plantation forestry.
Implementing good land management practices such as fencing waterways, installing sediment traps, and strategically grazing critical source areas can bring environmental benefits.
But in some places, land management practices are unlikely to be enough and land use change may be needed to meet targets for greenhouse gas emissions, freshwater quality and indigenous biodiversity.
Every landscape is different. To improve environmental outcomes, policy interventions and investment should ideally be tailored to local circumstances. For example, by recognising that spatial variation in landscape attributes can play a significant role in determining freshwater quality and nitrous oxide emissions.
To address these challenges, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) is undertaking a new investigation on integrated landscape management. The new investigation will build upon insights drawn from two previous PCE reports: Farms, forests and fossil fuels and Overseer and regulatory oversight.
The aim of the investigation is to explore what a landscape approach looks like in Aotearoa New Zealand and its potential to improve freshwater quality, climate change and biodiversity outcomes.
The investigation will focus on the impact of environmental policies on landscapes, recognising that decisions by landowners and land managers are influenced by a wide range of social, cultural, and economic factors.
Two case studies will be used to illustrate how such an approach could work in practice – one in Northland and one in Southland. The Northland case study is the Northern Wairoa catchment. This includes the Wairua River, Hikurangi Swamp, Mangakahia River and Wairoa River, and drains into Kaipara Moana.