The Goondicum Mine is a former ilmenite, feldspar, apatite and titano-magnetite mine located approximately 30 km east of Monto in the North Burnett region of Queensland. In October 2020, the mine was disclaimed and the Queensland Department of Resources (DoR) assumed management of the site. The operation is wholly located on freehold land that forms a part of an operating cattle property known as the Goondicum Station.
A Closure Strategy has been developed for the site. The execution of the Closure Strategy seeks to achieve a safe, secure, durable, and productive landform long term, in accordance with the Department’s Abandoned Mines Management Policy criteria. The strategy recommends a staged approach to implementing closure works.
The scope of work described in this Invitation to Tender involves the execution of civil and rehabilitation works as formal closure of the Goondicum former mine site, including:
- Completion of a Contractor led, Design Optimisation and Review;
- Clearing and topsoil stripping of areas not previously cleared and are required for the establishment of ancillary works or to achieve a cut/fill balance;
- Bulk earthworks and reshaping to create a stable and free draining landform;
- Construction of open drains including erosion protection works;
- Construction and maintenance of temporary sediment basins for the duration of the works;
- Decommissioning of the process water dam including removal and disposal of the HDPE liner, remaining pipework and fencing;
- Sub-soil amelioration and surface preparation;
- Topsoil amelioration and placement from designated existing topsoil stockpiles; and
- Seeding of works.
A detailed design technical specification and detailed drawings are key elements of the scope of works and are included in Appendix 1 of GOM-34 Scope and Requirements.
The outcome that is being sought is that prior to relinquishment of the site to the property owners, landform slopes are rehabilitated to prevent ongoing erosion and dam embankment slopes are considered to be stable in the long term that will not require ongoing maintenance, minimising impact to ground and surface water resources from suspended solids and chemical contaminants. The final landform will be capable of hosting vegetation that aligns with the end use of the site, and no infrastructure will be left on site unless a beneficial gain is identified.
It is intended that the preferred supplier will initially complete a design optimisation review for the Department’s consideration. Any opportunities for improvement in the design will be assessed by the Department against design intent and long term site safety, security, durability and productivity.