
Plumbing, Backflow Prevention and TMV Valve Servicing- Alpine Health

Tender ID: 475018

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
16 November 2021
Awarded Date:
10 January 2022

Tender Description

ABOUT THE REQUEST FOR Tender (RFT): Alpine Health is seeking tenders from suitably qualified personnel for the provision of Plumbing, Backflow Prevention & TMV Valve Services. Respondents may respond to one or all of the Alpine Health sites listed within the tender documentation. 

REGISTRATION: Tender documents can be downloaded after registration has been completed.
SUBMISSIONS: Completed responses can only be submitted via the electronic tender box using the Word Version of the Schedule/s. Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt, times and dated upon completion. 
Late Submissions: will not be accepted. Submissions must be fully received by the closing time as late submissions will not be accepted. Alpine Health is not bound to accept the lowest priced Tender or all or any part of a tender and reserve the right to conduct the Request for Tender process and select the successful respondent(s) as it sees fit. All responses must be made by online submission. Any response made by any other means (open email, facsimile, post or in person) will not be considered. 


Victoria   :   Hume  

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