Pre-Harvest Survey Tender - North East Region, West Gippsland, East Gippsland
Tender ID: 475165
Tender Details
Tender Description
VicForests is calling for tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide pre-harvest survey services in their three regions of North East, West Gippsland, and East Gippsland in Victoria.
VicForests wishes to develop and award consolidated pre-harvest survey contract(s) for the 2021/22 survey program, for one year with provision for extension (+1 year).
Typical works include fauna and flora surveys of threatened species in native forest, prior to harvest.
Please note that your proposal can not be considered as accepted unless and until a formal contract is finalised and signed by both parties.
Quotations should be given as a price per day for each aggregated survey type by district, inclusive of accommodation and expenses and mileage.
Tender submissions should be made electronically to:
Please complete all sections of the form.
Tenders will be evaluated in the following week (15 November to 19 November 2021).
Both successful and non-successful tenders will be notified by email.
For further information including specific survey instructions, please contact the Tender Manager.