Construction and Delivery Murchison Caravan Park Ablution acility
Tender ID: 477682
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for the supply of all materials for construction on site or elsewhere (and transportation to site) of one (1) ablution facility in accordance with, or similar to, the proposed plans.
The tender is to construct the ablution facility and establish the same on a Reserve Lots 3001/3003 in Murchison Settlement, including the installation of all services to the building. Specifications are available on the Shire website or by contacting the Shire of Murchison during normal business hours.
Tenders may be:
(a) Delivered by hand to the Shire of Murchison Administration Centre 3007 Carnarvon Mullewa Road Murchison Settlement (by the Tenderer or the Tenderer's agent); or
(b) Sent mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer Shire of Murchison, PO Box 61, Mullewa WA 6630.
(c) By Email to
Please be aware that tenders must reach the above address prior to the Tender closure date and time. Mail delivery from the Perth Metropolitan Area typically takes up to seven (7) days. If submitting via email tenderers are advised to check file sizes of attachments and confirm receipt of all documents with the Shire of Murchison.
Tenders in sealed envelopes and via email must clearly marked Tender RFT01 - 2021-22, Construction & Delivery Caravan Park Ablution Facility on then letter or email subject line and must reach the shire address as indicated above by not later than 4.00 pm Friday 10 December 2021.
Please note the following conditions:
• Late tenders will not be accepted.
• Tenders submitted fax will not be accepted.
• Lowest or any tender is not necessarily accepted.
• Tender subject to the conditions of the Shire's local purchasing policy.
• Canvassing of Councillors or staff will result in disqualification of a tenderers submission.
Additional information regarding the tender is available by contacting the Shire of Murchison during business hours on (08) 9963 7999 or available from Council's webpage
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Commercial & Industrial Construction Services