
Request for Proposal: Review of the 2016 CBF Restructure

Tender ID: 481413

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
29 December 2021
Closing Date:
31 January 2022

Tender Description

 In 2016, the independent grant-maker Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) underwent a self-imposed review of its structure and governance systems and processes. The aim of the original review was to determine what organisational structure, governance arrangements and funding model (funding allocations, grant programs and grant categories) the CBF should adopt to meet the current and future needs of the community broadcasting sector. 

It is now time for us to undertake a review of the resulting restructure to assess whether it has achieved the original aims of the CBF Structure & Governance Review, and to recommend what further improvements might be implemented. 
We're inviting submissions from suitably qualified consultants to provide independent, expert advice and guidance on the outcomes of the restructure and recommendations for additional areas for refinement. 
Request for Proposal documents in relation to this review are as below: 
1) Request for Proposal: Review of the 2016 CBF Restructure (PDF 382kb, 7 pages) 
2) Attachment A: Scope of the Review of the 2016 CBF Restructure (PDF 110kb, 3 pages) 
3) Attachment B: Background Information (PDF 99kb, 2 pages) 
Interested parties should provide their email contact details to Rachel Rees from the CBF as early as possible to receive notifications of any further information in response to questions received. 
In accordance with the procurement schedule, questions from interested consultants will close at 12pm AEDT Monday 24 January 2022. 
Final tender submissions must be lodged by 3pm AEDT, Monday 31 January 2022. 
For further information, contact Rachel Rees on (03) 8341 5933 or via email 

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