Continence Management Products
Tender ID: 485641
Tender Details
Tender Description
1. About HealthShare Victoria
Health Purchasing Victoria (‘HPV’) was established by section 129(1) of the Health Services Act 1988 and is a public authority which represents the Crown. HPV’s functions include ‘to supply or facilitate access to the supply of goods and services to public hospitals and other health or related services on best value terms’.
HealthShare Victoria (HSV), established in 2021 brings Health Purchasing Victoria’s existing functions and major supply chain assets under one single management.
2. Purpose of the Invitation to Supply (ITS)
- HSV will be seeking responses for Continence Management Products for use in Participating Health Services.
- Contract term: 4 + 2
- The scope of this ITS covers the supply Continence Management Products used in most clinical settings which will be outlined in the Statement of Requirement (SOR). Any exclusions will be referenced in the SOR.
- Pursuant to HSV’s Purchasing Policy, the objectives of this Invitation to Supply (ITS) include establishing on behalf of Participating Health Services the best base rate price per product and/or pricing benchmarking, in respect of Continence Management Products as per the specifications detailed, and on the conditions variously described herein. Respondent(s) are required to assist HSV, and Participating Health Services achieve these objectives.
3. HSV Procurement Portal
Note: Respondents are required to submit their tender response through HSV Procurement Portal only via website:
- All respondents must register on the HSV website before gaining access to the HSV Procurement Portal.
- Respondents are required to download the ITS from the HSV Procurement Portal. Prior to downloading the ITS, Respondents are required to formally register their contact details with HSV on the above-mentioned website.
- The purpose of registration is to assist gain access to the ITS documentation, response schedules, and assist HSV to advise all Respondents of any addenda or other matters relevant to this ITS prior to the Closing Date and Time or thereafter as may be necessary.
- Any communication by HSV will be to the relevant Authorised Contact Person registered in the ITS download details.
- Respondents must advise the Authorised Contact Person immediately if they believe that HSV has not obtained their current contact details, or if their contact details change at any time prior to the ITS Closing Date.
- If a Respondent has not provided correct and complete contact details, HSV will not be obliged to provide any further information about this ITS and HSV will not be liable for errors or omissions by the Respondent in any Response.
4. Anticipated Release Date, Closing Date and Time for Lodgement of Responses
- It is anticipated that the ITS will be released on the HSV procurement portal on Wednesday, 22 February 2023
- The anticipated Closing Date and Time for lodgement of Responses is on Wednesday, 22 March 2023
5. Industry Briefing
- An industry Briefing will be held for the upcoming Monitoring Products ITS
- It is anticipated that the Industry Briefing will be held (virtually) on 08 February 2023 11am - 12pm.
- Please register your company interest (maximum three attendees) for the Industry Briefing via the link to the Eventbrite registration link.
- The briefing will provide general information and detailed information on how to complete the response via the HSV Procurement Portal.
- A copy of the reference documents (i.e Question summary, slide deck and user guide) will also be made available.
6. HSV Helpdesk
Please contact our helpdesk for any further assistance by email to: