TDHB - Taranaki Cancer Centre - Main Works ROI
Tender ID: 486599
Tender Details
Tender Description
Taranaki District Health Board (TDHB) is looking for a Main Works Contractor (Contractor) to deliver the Construction Works (the Works) required for the Taranaki Base Hospital Redevelopment – Taranaki Cancer Centre (the Project).
In 2019 the Government recognised the significant challenges faced by those living in the Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki and Northland in respect to access to radiation treatment without having to travel to the tertiary cancer treatment centres. The Regional Cancer Treatment Service (RCTS), in partnership with Mid Central, Hawke’s Bay and Taranaki District Health Boards (DHBs), is to establish regional satellite radiation therapy sites in Hastings and New Plymouth including construction of a purpose-built facility, procurement, installation of a linear accelerator for each site and the implementation of a supporting model of service.
TDHB intends to establish a cancer centre with chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment services.
TDHB has procured the consultant team and is now seeking to procure a contractor to undertake the Works for the Project.