Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment: Proposed Mountain Bike Trail in Wattle Ponds, NSW
Tender ID: 490980
Tender Details
Tender Description
Singleton Council has engaged Apex Archaeology to assist in preparing an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment ACHA) for a proposed mountain bike project at 189-221 Pioneer Road, Wattle Ponds, NSW. The study area is legally defined as Lot 122 DP819682 and Lot 4 DP604789 The ACHA has been commissioned to support the project assessment.
The project is located within the Singleton LGA. The project manager is Amanda McMahon, who can be contacted via email at amcmahon@singleton.nsw.gov.au
A process of Aboriginal community consultation in accordance with the Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010 is being initiated by Apex Archaeology. The purpose of consultation with Aboriginal people is to assist the proponent in the preparation of an application for an AHIP and to assist the DPC Secretary in the DPC Secretary's consideration and determination of the application.
The proponent invites Aboriginal people who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places within the study area to register an interest in the process of Aboriginal community consultation.
Please note that details of the Aboriginal people or organizations who register an interest in consultation will be forwarded to Heritage NSW and Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Council (WLALC). Please advise at the time of registration if you do not wish for your details to be forwarded to these entities
Aboriginal stakeholders can register their interest by post to PO Box 236, Nowra, NSW 2541; via phone on 0422 229 179; or via jenni@apexarchaeology.com.ay. Please include the name and contact details of your preferred contact person in your registration.
Registrations will be accepted until COB Wednesday 20 April 2022.