Tourism Support Program WA
Tender ID: 491734
Tender Details
Tender Description
This program provides funding to WA tourism operators for expenses incurred in preparation for the border opening scheduled for 5 February 2022.
What you get?
Funding of up to $10,000 for sole traders and funding of up to $20,000 for employing businesses.
Who is this for?
Wester Australian tourism operators.
Support is available for tourism businesses that incurred expenses mobilising their operations in anticipation of the 5 February 2022 border opening.
Eligible expenses that may be claimed, include:
- marketing activities particularly targeted at interstate and/or international markets
- staff recruitment, training, relocation or mobilisation expenses
- insurances
- registrations and licences
- equipment deployment or activation for reopening
- mobilisation of vehicles/vessels/aircraft and associated surveying and mobilisation requirements
- reinstating supply chain requirements, memberships and accreditation costs
- business IT and online booking/information systems.