Contact Centre Services
Tender ID: 492415
Tender Details
Tender Description
The purpose of this RFT is to seek Offers from Tenderers that will allow EPA to determine the best Tenderer to operate the Contact Centre.
This RFT sets out the requirements for the Offers and describes how the Offers will be evaluated. The evaluation framework reflects the expectations and requirements of EPA. The Offer submitted by the Tenderer will need to:
- provide a response to all aspects of the submission requirements of the RFT;
- highlight the capability and experience of the Tenderer across the Contact Centre activities;
- communicate the Tenderer’s understanding of the EPA and challenges facing the Contact Centre;
- present a compelling overall vision for the Contact Centre; and
- be both sustainable and demonstrate value for money.
The Offer will be binding on the Tenderer. The Tenderer should not rely upon a further stage in the Tender process to provide a revised Offer.
The Tenderer confirms that by submitting an Offer it acknowledges and agrees that EPA does not intend to create any contractual or other relationship under which EPA is legally obliged to conduct the RFT Process other than as expressly set out in this RFT, and EPA may in its absolute discretion vary, suspend, or discontinue the RFT Process at any time.