Investment Fast-Track Fund VIC
Tender ID: 493372
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Investment Fast-Track Fund provides funding for VIC projects that will drive regional and rural recovery and economic diversification.
What you get?
Funding of up to $500,000.
Who is this for?
Private sector businesses, Aboriginal organisations, LGAs, Alpine resorts management boards and other organisations.
Funding is available to support the following project activities:
- statutory and environmental planning processes and approvals
- business cases, which must include a project plan, a mobilisation plan or implementation plan as relevant
- feasibility studies or master plans
- economic development and industry investment strategies
- structural cultural assessments
- heritage assessments
- geotechnical investigations
- design activities
- early works packages to help de-risk a project.
What are the eligibility criteria?
Applications will be accepted from organisations, LGAs, Alpine resorts managment boards, industry groups and private sector businesses, including Aboriginal organisations and small businesses.
Applicants must be an incorporated legal entity, with the exception of small businesses, which may only require an Australian business number (ABN).
How do you apply?
Find out more about eligibility and how to apply at Investment Fast-Track Fund- external site.
Contact information
13 22 15