Support for Regional Victorian Startup Entrepreneurs
Tender ID: 497706
Tender Details
Tender Description
This program provides funding to startup entrepreneurs in regional Victoria to help them build and develop their business.
What you get?
Funding of between $50,000 and $300,000.
Who is this for?
Regional Victorian startup entrepreneurs.
Funding is available for young technology-based businesses that use innovation to scale rapidly and capture global markets.
Examples of technology include:
- software/app
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- blockchain
- web3 and NFTs
- advanced manufacturing and robotics
- Internet of Things (loT)
- big data analytics
- augmented/virtual reality
- 3D printing
- advanced materials
- genomics and life sciences (including BioTech and MedTech)
- autonomous vehicles.
What are the eligibility criteria?
The following types of organisations are eligible to apply:
- registered company/organisation headquartered in the State of Victoria
- registered company/organisation with an office in the State of Victoria
- registered company/organisation located outside the State of Victoria (in Australia) proposing a
- program to be delivered in the State of Victoria
- an experienced delivery team who has expertise delivering similar programs that agrees to setup a new company to primarily run Startup Programs and register the new entity in Victoria before contract execution.
How do you apply?
Find out more about eligibility and how to apply at Support for Regional Victorian Startup Entrepreneurs- external site:
Contact information