Notification and Registration Of Aboriginal Interest
Tender ID: 499064
Tender Details
Tender Description
Biosis is undertaking an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA) and test excavations for a proposed development of 1377 Hue Hue Road, Wyee, NSW, within the Lake Macquarie Local Government Area on behalf of TOPA Property (Olga Masella, Tel: (02) 9352 4224, Email: olga@newquestprojects.
Biosis invites Aboriginal people who hold cultural knowledge in determining the significance of Aboriginal object(s) and/ or places in the vicinity of the above area to register their interest in a process of community consultation.
The purpose of Aboriginal community consultation is to assist TOPA property in preparing an AHIP application (if required) and to assist Heritage NSW, Department of Planning and Enviornment (Heritage NSW) in their consideration and determination of the application. The project will be undertaken in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
To register an interest in this project please contact Madeleine Lucas (Email: Tel: (02) 6069 9200). Please note that the name of each group that registers for consultation on this project will be provided to Heritage NSW and the Local Aboriginal Land Council unless the group specifies that they do not want their details released. REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE 5:00pm, 30 JULY 2022.