Waste Haulage Services
Tender ID: 499581
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for the haulage of waste from the West Metro Recycling Centre to treatment and disposal sites.
Tender documents are available from the Western Metropolitan Regional Council by request on 9384 4003, from peter.engel@wmrc.wa.gov.au.
Tenders close 5:00pm WST Monday 22 August and may be hand delivered to the address above or emailed to tenders@wmrc.wa.gov.au.
The opening of tenders will take place immediately following the closing time and members of the public may attend.
Enquiries to Manager Operations, Peter Engel on 9384 4003 or 0432 533 662.
Tenderers must comply with the Conditions of Tendering and the General Conditions of Contract. Canvassing of elected members will disqualify.