Notification of a Project Proposal and Registration of Cultural Heritage Interest
Tender ID: 499965
Tender Details
Tender Description
AREA Environmental & Heritage Consultants (AREA) is seeking expressions of interest from Aboriginal groups or individuals holding specific cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal object(s) andr place(s) at Lot 24 DP755915, 552 Larbert Rd, Larbert, Braidwood LGA, who wish to be consulted over a proposed quarry extension. AREA has been commissioned by Umwelt to facilitate an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment for the proposal. The contact details for the proponent are Dave McQueeny dmcqueeney
The proposal will be a designated development with the target EIS completion date being November 2022. The purpose of the consultation process with Aboriginal people is to assist the proponent to prepare an application for an AHIP and to assist the Director General to consider and determine the application.
Stakeholders are asked to register their interest to be consulted for the proposal by contacting AREA: