Regional Infrastructure Fund VIC
Tender ID: 500379
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Regional Infrastructure Fund aims to improve the productivity and liveability of regional Victoria and the longer term outcomes of:
- an enhanced visitor economy
- improved infrastructure for growth sectors (e.g. health, energy, education)
- jobs growth and improved workforce supply
- more resilience to pandemics, economic transition and, natural disasters.
What are the eligibility criteria?
Applicants must have an Australian business number (ABN).
Applications will be considered for projects from the following legal entities:
- local government authorities
- Alpine Resorts Management Boards
- Aboriginal organisations
- business and industry groups
- incorporated not-for-profit organisations
- public/private partnerships, through an incorporated entity
- TAFE institutions and universities.
Applications will only be considered for projects being undertaken in eligible locations:
How do you apply?
Find out more about how to apply at Regional Infrastructure: