Fixed Phone Detection System
Tender ID: 500828
Tender Details
Tender #:
DCS 377
Publish Date:
19 August 2022
Closing Date:
29 August 2022
Tender Description
The Department for Correctional Services is seeking to pilot a fixed mobile (cellular) phone detection system.
The system must be fixed and have remote monitoring capability. The system will:
- be able to be networked and provide real time alerts to mobile phones being detected;
- be easily installed in a correctional facility;
- filter out interference and detect 3G, 4G, 5G Australian Cellular Frequency;
- provide data in a format that is easily understood by correctional staff, and;
- provide an accurate location within at least 2 cells of the alert taking into consideration that Australian custodial cells are approx. 8 square meters with masonry/concrete walls and solid steel doors.
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