Harvest and Haulage Services (EOI 2022.1)
Tender ID: 500862
Tender Details
Tender Description
Buy and Sell Description:
VicForests is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced harvest and/or haulage contractors.
VicForests currently has a significant task in salvaging debris from storm recovery operations in native forests and is seeking to identify suitable contractors able to assist in this work or backfill normal harvest and haulage operations. Work is expected to be available between Sep-June throughout the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 production years.
Recovery operations utilising between two to four pieces of equipment are being considered. Ideally contractors will have with up-to-date safety management systems.
The recovery or harvest operations could be anywhere within Victorian state forest. Products could be delivered to customers across Victoria or South East NSW or into storage yards.
Please register your interest by COB Wednesday 31st August 2022 by contacting Sinead Cameron by phone on (+61) 458 458 095 or by email to vfs.woodsupply@vicforests.com.au with your company details.
VicForests, is a state-owned enterprise responsible for the sustainable, harvest, commercial sale and regeneration of timber from Victoria’s native forests.
For more info
Contact: Sinead Cameron
E-mail: vfs.woodsupply@vicforests.com.au
mobile: (+61) 458 458 095