Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment: Proposed development of 91 Schofields Road, Rouse Hill, NSW Notification and registration of Aboriginal Interests
Tender ID: 504971
Tender Details
Tender Description
Richard Crookes Constructions on behalf of School Infrastructure NSW (the proponent) has engaged Apex Archaeology to assist in preparing an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA) for proposed development at 91 Schofields Road, Rouse Hill, NSW. The land is a legally defined as Lot 11 DP 27220. The project is located within the Blacktown LGA. The proponent's representative is Libby URE of Richard Crookes Construction who can be contacted via email at urel@richardcrookes.com.au
The site has been identified as containing subsurface archaeological deposits. The assessment will inform a State Significant Development Application under Part 4 Division 4.7 of the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and is required to include Aboriginal community consultation in accordance with the Section 4.1.3 of the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water's (DECCW 2010, now Heritage NSW) Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents. The purpose of consultation with Aboriginal people is to assist the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) in the DPC Secretary's consideration and determination of the application.
The proponent invites Aboriginal people who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places within the study area to register an interest in the process of Aboriginal community consultation.
Please note that details of the Aboriginal people or organisations who register an interest in consultation will be forwarded to both Heritage NSW and the Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council. Please advise at the time of registration if you do not wish for your details to be forwarded to either entity.
Aboriginal stakeholders can register their interest by post to PO Box 236, Nowra, NSW 2541; via phone on 0405 236 821; or via rebecca@apexarchaeology.com.au. Please include the name and contact details of your preferred contact person in your registration.